Support The Handphibians

The Handphibians Mission

Provide opportunities for community members to learn about the musical culture of Brazil; to act as a point of contact and to actively promote networks among members of the Brazilian music community in the US; to showcase traditional Brazilian music in a performance or educational setting; and to have fun in the process.

If you’re interested in helping us, here are a few ways:

Donate to Our Causes

If you have the means and interest, please consider making tax-deductible financial contribution toward our organization.

Sponsor The Handphibians or Madison Carnaval

We offer a few models for our sponsors. If you’d like more information about becoming a sustaining or event-specific sponsor, please let us know.

Enjoy Our Music

Our favorite way of people showing support is by attending a Handphibians performance!

Tell Your Friends

Although we’ve been performing around Madison for over two decades, we’re always excited to make new friends. You can help by spreading the word about us wherever works best for you.

Become a Member

Apply to attend our introductory classes. At the conclusion of each course cycle, we invite a number of graduates become official Handphibians members.